Shoot Report and Results
Our first shoot of the year was one of the biggest ever, attracting 139 archers, as it seemed the world and his wife wanted to get a shoot under their belt before the Corona virus shut the world down. The great turn-out was welcome, not least because this was a memorial shoot in memory of our much-missed club coach Debbie Wood-Downer, who sadly passed away recently. As well as a collection on the day, half the shoot fees are being donated to charity, meaning both The British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK will receive over £300 each.
Conditions for archers were challenging, and we’re not even talking about the targets. The course layers had made full use of what appeared to be strategically placed ready-mixed mud, whilst the wettest February on record delivered some interesting ‘water hazards’ for people to navigate. Both our Christmas Tree and Savannah courses had a full complement of 3Ds which kept our visitors busy long into the afternoon. They rewarded us with some truly outstanding scores. So impressive, that during the medal presentation our Master of Ceremonies, Stefan, doubted people’s maths! Top marks to the course layers who battled with the weather in the weeks prior to the shoot to set some excellent shots. Praise also to Lorraine and her catering team of Amie, Claude and Roy, who kept hungry archers on the go.
Open shoot results
Ladies Longbow
Mandy Linn Rat Pack 472
Pennie Grew Thornbury 410
Lesley Dutton Independent 322
Jackie Willoughby Independent 288
Gentlemen Longbow
Ken Payne Magic Dragon 616
Patrick Hutchinson N Somerset FA 612
Roger Grew Thornbury 606
Paul Skippins COPRA 578
Ben Knight COPRA 574
Julian Rivers Magic Dragon 574
Martin Sutton Thornbury 558
Paul Bromwich Medsoc 550
Phil Faithful Medsoc 462
Mike Yates Longbow Heritage 430
George Hirst Magic Dragon 448
Kieron Andrews Medsoc 434
Simon Pratt Bridgewood 406
Colin Wright Magic Dragon 324
Junior Longbow
Kieren Griffin Medsoc 424
Ladies Primative
Shana Innell South Wilts 494
Gentlemen Primative
Rob Slattem 1066 Field Archers 472
Ken Whittiker Raven 468
Alan Jones Rat Pack 428
Marr Senlac 37
Nick Gentle COPRA 336
Ladies Hunting Tackle
Clair Parfit Aurora 494
Anna Swan Wight Co FA 484
Linda Palmer Rat Pack 480
Georgina Hernandez Raven FA 400
Linda Yates Longbow Heritage 250
Gentlemen Hunting Tackle
Tony Young South Hams 740
Roger Massey 1066 Field Archers 738
Steve Hipgrave South Hams 728
Steve Rand Invicta 670
Andy Doyle Independent 656
Dave Moore 1066 Field Archers 622
Tim Seed Bridgewood 616
Rob Pointon Fleet Ibex 606
John Cappello Belvedere 578
Alan White South Wilts 570
Martin Hulme Wasp 550
Peter Eldridge COPRA 1S 482
Peter Parker Rat Pack 482
Graham Davies Fleet Ibex 522
Brian Proehl Cloth of Gold 452
Nigel Pogson Raven FA 450
Tony Cox Independent 244
Ladies American Flat Bow
Niki Marr Senlac 514
Cathy Kerr Wight Co FA 502
Gentlemen American Flat Bow
Terry Jones Osprey 716
John Marshall Magic Dragon 606
Simon Rivers Magic Dragon 600
Chris Rowston Thornbury 584
James Brown Magic Dragon 576
Rod Harris Fleet Ibex 576
Nicholas Mitchell Belvedere 534
Garry Panter Wasp 520
Bobby Moor Bridgewood 458
Robert Head Raven 458
Mick Maxen Cloth of Gold 454
Barrie Cooper Independent 310
Ladies Bare Bow
Julia Paris South Wilts 620
Ange Lindsay Thornbury 506
Emma Ralph Raven 500
Jane Rivers Magic Dragon 416
Gentlemen Barebow
John Barcroft 1066 Field Archers 774
York Gibson Thornbury 734
Garry Frisk Oakwood 684
Martin Joy Aurora 662
Glenn Bolton Bridgewood 630
Lee Sutton Bridgewood 612
Adrian Mercer Magic Dragon 592
Brian Horne Magic Dragon 590
Ken Sparham Aurora 554
Noel Mates South Wilts 534
Stephen Green Senlac 460
Junior Bare Bow
Dylan Parsons Senlac 510
Cub Bare Bow
Emily Anthony Thornbury 592
Liam Sutton gewood 412
Gentlemen Free Style
Terry Stevens Independent 782
Mike Youngman Pack 618
Steve Munnings Independent 592
Junior Free Style
Ashton Cox Independent 552
Gentlemen Bow Hunter
Mark Anthony Thornbury 766
Dave Andrews Cloth of Gold 742
Phil Maher Independent 668
Ladies Compound Unlimited
Slavica Vojinivuc A 672
Gentlemen Compound Unlimited
Stewart Fenwick 1066 Field Archers 872
Adam Browning ora 862
Steve Palmer Raven FA 860
Juray Valovec Independent 852
Jason Sawdy Independent 834
Mick Lee Hartspring 830
Nick Hearn Hartspring 810
Mike Davidson Fleet Ibex 804
Adam Valovec Independent 802
Ken Scott Raven 784
Matt Carstensen Independent 516
Cub Compound Unlimited
Xander Munns Independent 608
Ladies Traditional Bow Hunter
Bev Brown Thornbury 520
Linda Lehane Bridgewood 430
Angelika Kovacic Fleet Ibex 394
Zoe Burges Bridgewood 358
Lneka Volovska 1066 Field Archers 332
Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter
Tom Milner 1066 Field Archers 752
Tont Barnatt 1066 Field Archers 704
Oli Skuse Thornbury 682
John Nicholls South Wilts 674
Chris Perks South Wilts 652
Ben Ringshaw Fleet Ibex 650
Steve Black Fleet Ibex 644
Roy Fisher Bridgewood 4S 628
Mark Brown Thornbury 1S 628
Andrew Lehane Bridgewood 626
Tom Williams Bridgewood 618
Gareth Pearson Noak Hill Archers 614
Peter Arterton Bridgewood 608
Keith Nolan Souths Wilts 602
Tylaar Haran Fleet Ibex 588
Mark Proctor Thornbury 528
Richard Huggett 1066 Field Archers 696
Peter Morgan Cloth of Gold 582
Ben Edwards Senlac 454
Gentlemen bare Bow
Paul Wilson 538
Tim Godman 516
Cub bare Bow
Megan Godman 292
Gentlemen Hunting Tackle
Ian Christie 588
Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter
Paul Brewer 662