Shoot Report
Our bluebells kept their side of the bargain and put on a splendid display for the 93 archers who attended our Bluebell Open shoot. The weather was fine, with some splendid periods of sunshine. Scores were generally a little lower than our March shoot, and put down to some deceptive, rather than obviously tricky shots. “Some targets where further away than I thought,” seemed to be the comment most regularly overheard as archers stopped for catering. Lorraine, Amie and Roy kept the food flowing, also joined by Brenda. Thanks go to the hard work of the course layers and a great bunch of marshals who gave up their time on the day. Our next shoot is our September 11th Friendly, when all four of our courses will be available, along with a rolling start so visitors can please themselves when they come and go.
Open shoot results
Ladies Longbow
Lesley Dutton Bridgewood 294
Gentlemen Longbow
Bruce Williams Thornbury 580
Alex Furneaux Fleet Ibex 546
Stepehen Corbett Thornbury 540
Jeff Kluckers COPRA 528
Ben Knight COPRA 526
Andrew Phillips Bridgewood 522
Mike Yates Bridgewood 390
Simon Pratt Bridgewood 384
Gentlemen Primitive
Gerry May Longbow Heritage 448
Alan Jones Ratpack 416
Ladies Hunting Tackle
Kim Lea Ratpack 620
Linda Palmer Ratpack 428
Gentlemen Hunting Tackle
Steve Rand Bridgewood 618
David Moore 1066 Field Archers 612
Steve Hipgrave Independent 586
David Curwen Independent 570
Paul Harding Fleet Ibex 542
Graham Eldridge Druids 532
Carl Brancher Hawk 530
Paul Skippins COPRA 494
Peter Parker Ratpack 492
Mike List South Wilts 460
Keiran Grundon Havering Nalgo 418
Arnold Wyvern MagiC Dragon 412
Terry Rendle Magna Carta 392
Charles Liston Independent 270
Ladies American Flat Bow
Joyce Morgan Cloth of Gold 472
Gentlemen American Flat Bow
Roger Massey 1066 Field Archers 696
Paul Cole Fleet Ibex 552
Nick Lea Ratpack 550 (2 Spots)
Finn Chu Independent 550 (1 Spot)
Steve Hinton Independent 534
Rick Young 1066 FA 528
Keith Nolan South Wilts 514
Jonathan May Independent 512
Keith Hodgkinson C.O.L.A 504
James Swaffer Cloth of Gold 420
Gentlemen Barebow
Jed Cullen South Wilts 776
Tony Young th Hams FA 722
Mike Youngman Ratpack 610
Aaron O’Shea Wye Valley FA 564
Neill O’Brien Cloth of Gold 548
Peter Morgan Cloth of Gold 534
Ladies Free Style
Alesi Plummer Independent 532
Ladies Traditional Bow Hunter
Denise Field South Wilts 660
Louise Panes Thornbury 576
Jan Seed Bridgewood 540
Bev Cook Bridgewood 536
Emma Ralph Raven FA 532 (5 spots)
Louise Williams rnbury 532 (2 spots)
Simone Young 1066 FA 520
Lauren Morse 1066 FA 484
Shauna Innell South Wilts 460
Graciela Hernandez Raven 402
Linda Yates Breidgewood 376
Carol Farmer Bridgewwood 372
Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter
Ken Payne Magic Dragon 710
Ben Ringshaw Fleet Ibex 674
Tom Milner 1066 Field Archers 686
Neil Brooks Wye Valley FA 672
Andy Doyle Magic Dragon 660
Steve Dixon Bridgewood 646
Scott Young 1066 Field Archers 640
Brett Field South Wilts 636 (5 spots)
Phil Adams Ratpack 636 (2 spots)
Roy Fisher Bridgewood 636
Chris Perks South Wilts 630
Glenn Bolton Bridgewood 596
A. Harrendence Wye Valley FA 592
John Nicholls South Wilts 590
Tim Seed Bridgewood 588
Keith Burton Independent 582
Adrien Mercer Magic Dragon 568
Mick Maxen Cloth of Gold 552
Daniel Allen Ratpack 522
Nigel Pogson Independent 490
Gentlemen Crossbow
Robert Head Raven FA 772
Gentlemen Bow Hunter
Shaun Eldridge Druids 766
Gentlemen Compound Limited
Oli Skuse Thornbury 806
Ladies Unlimited
Soo Davidson Fleet Ibex 744
Kelly Carson Fleet Ibex 624
Gentlemen Unlimited
Tim Woolcott South Wilts 902
David Goddard Cloth of Gold 854
John White Raven FA 852
Philip Jarrett Bridgewood 844
Steve Mitchell Fleet Ibex 784
John Carson Fleet Ibex 774
Peter Humphrey C.O.L.A 748